Breathe Again: A Love Story Read online

Page 14

  I just nodded, and gave him a polite smile, before turning to Jackson.

  “Is dinner soon?” I asked, looking up at Jackson. As excited as I had been to meet Blake, there was something off about him. He was Meredith’s husband, who was over near the dinner table talking to a man I didn’t recognize. That left Blake with us, apparently unmonitored. As soon as Jackson looked down at me, Blake turned to look at him. He was good.

  “I’m sure it is. Let’s go sit down, there’s bread on the table.” He kissed my hair, and pulled me off the stool. I glanced back at Lucy, who was beaming at the two of us, and flashed her a smile. Blake just looked amused.

  I sat in between Jackson and Lucy, with Blake and Meredith across the table from us and Sophia next to Jackson. He still hadn’t introduced her to me, but I wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or not. I wasn’t too thrilled about them sitting next to each other, but Lucy made sure I was too busy talking to her to notice her. As soon as we sat down, a server brought over a bottle of wine to refill our glasses. Lucy just waved him off, requesting another gin and tonic. This girl was seriously something else.

  Once we all had drinks in front of us, Jackson turned to introduce me to the rest of the guests at the table. With us were Jackson’s costars for the movie, Gavin Page and Levi Thomas, along with Levi’s wife Ellen Santo. I couldn’t help but be a little star struck at the celebrity in the room, even if I was dating one of America’s hottest actors.

  The last person at the table that Jackson introduced me to was Sophia, who barely looked in my direction. Instead, she turned to her other side to start talking with Gavin, completely ignoring both Jackson and I.

  “So, Mellie,” Lucy said, drawing my attention away from the impossibly gorgeous blonde sitting next to my boyfriend. I didn’t know if she’d sensed the tension between us or not, but I was enormously grateful for the distraction. “I was wondering if you could teach me how to make those cream puffs that Meredith brings on set all the time. She told me they are your grandmother’s recipe, and I have this boy that I’m trying to impress. I think he’d really love them, and I would love you forever too.”

  I was about to answer her, but Jackson had been listening in on our conversation. “A boy, huh? Is this the same boy that I caught in your trailer last week?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

  If it were me, I would have been mortified, but Lucy just laughed. “Of course not, he was just a little fling. I met someone at a concert the other night, and I think there really might be something there between us. He was really sweet, and already asked me to come down next weekend.”

  “Tell me you’re not serious Lucy,” he said, his eyes narrowed in her direction.

  “What?” she asked innocently, taking a sip from her glass. “I like him.”

  “Am I missing something?” I asked, turning my head between the two. Suddenly I felt like a referee in a tennis match.

  “No,” Lucy said, smirking. “Jackson’s just being a little over protective, like always.”

  “I am not Luce,” he said, leaning over me so he could keep his voice down and still reach her. “I don’t like the guy. I told you that when you mentioned him the other day. He’s bad news.”

  “Oh please,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Don’t be such a hypocrite. You were exactly like Jude before Mellie came along.”

  I felt Jackson tense next to me, and I knew that Lucy realized her slipup when her eyes widened. Jackson and I had talked about our previous relationships plenty of times, but it still hurt knowing that the entire world knew how he used to be with women too.

  “I’m so sorry Mellie,” Lucy said immediately. “Just ignore that I said that.” She downed the rest of her drink, and turned to take my hands in hers.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said, shaking my head clear of the images I suddenly had of Jackson with all of the other women in the world. “The past is the past, and it doesn’t matter anymore. Let’s get back to the real topic of this conversation; you said Jude. Lucy, please don’t tell me you mean Jude Cross.”

  She actually looked somewhat chagrined at my realization, which was definitely a new look on her. I took that as confirmation, and suddenly I couldn’t stop myself from agreeing with Jackson. Jude Cross was bad news in every sense of the word; he was a womanizing pop sensation, at least ten years older than Lucy and known around the world not only for his music, but his preference for redheads as well.

  I sighed. “Okay, I’ll teach you how to make my cream puffs, but you have to promise me that you’ll be careful. We just don’t want you to get hurt Lucy.”

  She nodded eagerly. “I won’t, I promise.”

  I eyed her carefully, but reluctantly nodded my head too. “Just let me know when you’re free to stop by my kitchen, and I’ll show you. They aren’t too difficult.”

  Jackson just laughed. “I don’t know about that. Lucy takes after me in the cooking department.”

  I couldn’t help but smile when I noticed how Lucy beamed at that statement; even if she couldn’t cook, she obviously loved Jackson enough to be happy when he talked about her. It was then that I realized that though Jackson may have had three brothers already, he had a sister too.

  Chapter 20

  We were almost through our meal when Blake was approached by what I could only assume was the manager. We all ignored them, assuming he was discussing the bill or something. Once he left, however, Blake got up and came over to where Jackson and I were sitting, leaning down to whisper in Jackson’s ear.

  I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Jackson frowned as he listened. Lucy tugged on my hand, bringing my attention away from the two next to me. Sophia didn’t seem all that interested in Jackson and Blake either, so I figured it was nothing.

  “Come to the restroom with me?” Lucy asked, though she was already pulling me up and out of my seat. I just laughed, and she threaded her arm through mine, leading the way to the restroom. She was chatting with me about Jackson, whom she lovingly referred to as Jack, and how he helped get her that first role with him. I felt a small stab of jealousy when she mentioned how he’d been there when she found out her brother had died, and had even gone back to England with her to attend the funeral, but I knew there wasn’t anything romantic between them. She obviously adored him, but the look in her eye was pure sisterly affection, in every sense of the word.

  We had to enter into the main restaurant on the way to the bathroom, and it was much busier out there than in our private dining room. It was strange; I’m sure they had to have usually pulled in extra tables in the back when it got busy like this, since there was a line out the door and onto the street. There were large windows at the front of the restaurant, and people were crowded outside, peering in. I thought it was a bit strange, but Lucy just kept a hold of my hand, pulling me into the hallway and into the restroom.

  She just kept chatting with me, even when we both went into the stalls. I was done first, and got out to wash my hands. In the mirror, I watched as Lucy opened the stall door, swaying slightly as she came to the sink. I eyed her carefully, before getting out of the way so she could use the sink, but she stumbled into me.

  “Sorry,” she said, bringing herself upright quickly. “Maybe I’ve had a little to drink.”

  I laughed, and grabbed onto her elbow to steady herself. “You think?”

  Lucy just groaned, and leaned over the counter. I brushed her hair away from her face. “You alright? Do you need us to take you home?”

  She shook her head. “No, I came with Levi and Ellen. They’ll take me back to the hotel with them; they’re used to me by now.”

  “So this is a regular occurrence then?” I said, rubbing her back. “You should be careful Lucy.”

  “I know. To be fair, I just turned twenty-one and barely drank before then. I was too busy with work and whatnot, but I figured I should have some fun every once in a while.”

  I could understand that. I wasn’t necessarily busy with work, but I’d yet to real
ly let go and have fun. Ever.

  I nodded, and just helped her to her feet. We made our way back through the restaurant, and it was still just as crowded. This time, however, I noticed some flashes going off through the front windows. I paused, turning to look to see who was taking our picture, and was mortified when I saw dozens of photographers standing right outside.

  We made our way quickly back into the back room, which was eerily quiet compared to the front of the restaurant. Jackson stood up when we got back to the table, and helped me put Lucy in her seat. As soon as I sat down next to her, she leaned her head on my shoulder, and promptly fell asleep.

  Jackson sat down too, and turned in my direction. “Baby, there’s something going on out there. Blake said the manager is trying to keep it quiet, but apparently someone has tipped off the paparazzi. I guess there’s a ton of people outside, waiting for us.”

  I knew what I’d just seen, but Jackson confirming it made me want to bring my dinner right back up. “I know,” I said quietly. Everyone else at the table seemed not to care much, and were back to talking amongst themselves. To them, fighting off the paparazzi may have been a regular day, but it was exactly what Jackson and I had wanted to avoid this weekend. “I saw them when we went to the restroom. It’s kind of nuts out there.”

  “What do you want to do Jackson?” Blake asked from across the table. Though he was talking to Jackson, his eyes were on me, and I felt my cheeks warm. I knew I was giving myself too much credit, thinking that they were just there because of Jackson and I. The room was filled with some major celebrities, and I just happened to be caught in the middle of it.

  “We could go out together,” Sophia suggested. For the first time that night, she actually looked in my direction, though it wasn’t a friendly look at all. It was almost as if she were sizing me up, eyeing me up and down, to see if I could handle it. I wanted to yell that yes, I could handle it, but I wasn’t so sure. I wasn’t ready; we were supposed to do this next week, not today.

  “No,” Jackson said immediately, still turned toward me. “We don’t need to go out together. I’ll leave by myself, and you can ride back with Lucy. She looks like she needs a ride anyway.” He leaned over me to see Lucy sleeping on my shoulder, and brushed a piece of hair away from her face.

  “She rode with us,” Ellen spoke up. “So did Sophia. We won’t have enough room in the car with Mellie too.”

  “What about you Meredith?” Jackson asked, looking at the other side of the table. “Can anyone ride with you?”

  She looked at us apologetically. “I’m sorry Jackson, we’re going back to Los Angeles tonight.” Gavin had already left, needing to catch a flight, so he was out too.

  Jackson cursed under his breath, and I turned to look at him. “It’s okay Jackson, we can leave together. It was bound to happen eventually. It might as well be tonight.” I didn’t really want to say it, but I knew I had to.

  “No,” he said, looking at me directly in the eye. “This weekend was supposed to be the calm before the storm. It was supposed to be just us, actually going out into the world one more time. Not this. This wasn’t supposed to happen,” he said angrily.

  Sophia spoke up again, her voice full of sugar. I wanted to vomit. “Then we should leave together Jackson. They won’t know that Mellie is with you, and she can ride back with Levi and Ellen. They’ll leave her alone, at least for now. Someone needs to take care of Lucy anyway, and God knows I’m not doing it anymore.” Of course not.

  As much as I hated the idea, I knew it was probably the best we’d come up with. I didn’t know how to drive Jackson’s car to bring Lucy back to the hotel, and I wasn’t about to get in a car with just Sophia and I. If Jackson and I did leave the restaurant together, they would all get us on camera, and I didn’t want to think about what they would say about me just yet. I wasn’t ready.

  I knew that Jackson was about to object, but I spoke up first. “Okay,” I said quietly. He turned to look at me, his eyes narrowed.

  “Okay what?” he asked, his voice dangerously low.

  “I’ll ride with Lucy, and you and Sophia can head out together. They’ll think it’s just another night out, no big deal. I’ll just meet you back at the hotel.” Jackson looked like he was about to say something, but I held my hand up to his lips to stop him. “It’s fine. We’ll get tomorrow, just us. They won’t bother us for one more day, and that’s all I want,” I said quietly.

  Jackson just looked at me for a few seconds, his jaw set, but eventually he nodded. “Fine,” he said. I could see the reluctance in his eyes, but I just looked away. I needed just one more night, one more day. I couldn’t do it now, not with Sophia here to watch them all tear me down. “Sophia and I will leave first, and then you all can get Lucy to the car. Hopefully seeing Sophia and I leave together will lessen their interest.”

  I nodded, and turned my attention back to Lucy, who was now snoring softly on my shoulder. “Lucy,” I said softly, brushing her cheek to get her to wake up. “I need you to wake up so we can get you back to the hotel.” She didn’t listen, just kept snoring. I heard Jackson chuckle softly next to me. I shook her leg this time, which did the trick, and she looked up from where she’d passed out on my shoulder. I felt a wet spot when she lifted her cheek, and she smiled at me apologetically. She’d actually drooled on me.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. I had to laugh, and forced her to drink a glass of water before we all got up to leave.

  Jackson got up first, pulling me with him. I walked him to the door, and was surprised when he pulled me up against him and kissed me fiercely. It wasn’t hungry or passionate; it was deliberate, as if he was staking his claim. I was caught so off guard, that I forgot we were being watched by six other people, and just pulled him closer. It was the sound of Lucy gagging at us that finally got me to pull away from him. She nudged her way in between Jackson and I so she could wrap her arms around him, giving him a tight squeeze before letting him go.

  “I’ll take care of her, don’t you worry Jack,” she slurred, looking over her shoulder to wink at me. Jackson and I both just laughed, and I pulled her away from him.

  “I have a feeling I’ll be the one taking care of you tonight,” I said, and she turned to give me drunk smile. I looped my arm through hers, and we both watched as Sophia walked toward Jackson. They were about to walk out together, when he looked at me over his shoulder, and mouthed the words “I love you.” Then she took his hand, and they headed out the door into the flashing light bulbs of the paparazzi.

  Chapter 21

  I didn’t get back to the villa until almost one o’clock that morning. When I’d tried to drop Lucy off at her room, she wouldn’t let me go, crying and blubbering about one thing or another. She was still pretty drunk, so I sat with her until she fell asleep. I’d known the girl for what, six hours at this point? But in that time, I’d apparently become her sister, best friend, and confidant.

  I was sitting on the large bed, her head in my lap while she cried buckets onto my dress. She’d gone on about how hard it was for her to find someone who understood what life in the spotlight was like, how she was tired of trying to please everyone. There was a time when I would have felt uncomfortable at her affection and honesty, but it felt right with her for some reason. Just like it felt right with Jackson. Like, we got each other.

  Eventually her crying turned into hiccups, and her breathing evened. I looked down at the girl laying in my lap, her red hair splayed across the bed and her freckled face cleaned of makeup from her tears. She was twenty-one, but at the moment, she just looked like a little girl. Scared, unsure, trying to find herself in a world where everybody else was trying to tell her who she was. I knew why Jackson loved her, and why he wanted to protect her. I felt the same way.

  I moved from the bed carefully, and pulled the covers up under her chin. There were bottles of water in the fridge in the closet, so I grabbed one of those too, along with a bottle of Tylenol, and put them on the bedside
table. The last thing I did before leaving her alone was scribble a note on the hotel-provided notepad, with my phone number, and turned off the lights.

  Jackson was already asleep when I got back, and I didn’t really have the energy to wake him up; not after the emotionally draining night I had. Instead, I just stripped out of my dress and climbed into the bed in my underwear. None of the explicit fantasies I’d had about that bed throughout the day could keep my eyes open at that point, and I immediately fell asleep.

  I slept like a rock that night. I was emotionally exhausted, from meeting so many new people, from Sophia’s bitter tug-of-war with my boyfriend, and from Lucy’s apparent breakdown. I didn’t even open my eyes until ten o’clock the next morning, when breakfast was brought to our room.

  “Good morning sleeping beauty,” Jackson said. He was sitting on the bed next to me, brushing my hair from my face.

  “Morning,” I mumbled, and then yawned. Jackson just laughed, and pulled the covers up so he could climb back in bed with me. I snuggled close, and probably would have fallen right back asleep if he hadn’t started talking.

  “I missed you last night,” he said, kissing my hair and rubbing my bare back. “I stayed up for a while, but figured that Lucy probably conned you into hanging out with her or something. Am I right?”

  “Yeah,” I said into his chest. “She’s such a sweet girl, but that girl has some issues. She was pretty upset when we got back to her room; she wouldn’t let me go, and I sat with her until she fell asleep.”

  Jackson just sighed. “Yeah, it’s hard for her sometimes. She pretty much grew up in the spotlight, hasn’t really had a chance to have a normal adolescence. I’m glad I can be there for her, but I think she really just needs a girlfriend sometimes. I’m glad she has you now.”

  “Can I ask you something?” I said, pulling my face away from his chest, albeit reluctantly, so I could look him in the face.

  “Sure,” he said, shrugging.